The Conservatives have given the green light to a new coal mine in an act of climate vandalism which wipes away any trace of environmental responsibility the party has previously tried to portray.

With Michael Gove giving the thumbs up for the Woodhouse Colliery in Cumbria, the charade is over.

It is the latest in an appalling series of environmentally ruthless policy decisions from a party unable to look past the short-term profiteering which polluting fossil fuels can still precipitate.


Banning solar panels from farmland, licensing scores of oil and gas wells in the North Sea – none of it makes sense for the UK’s long term prosperity, experts have said, but the Conservative party wants to do it anyway. It was only after a significant backbench rebellion the party was forced into yet another embarrassing U-turn to remove the ban on onshore wind.

The mine, which would be the first deep coal mine in the UK for 30 years, has little bearing on the UK’s energy policy, as it will only produce coking coal for the steel industry largely outside Europe. In total, 83 per cent of the coal would be exported.

But the fact the government has given it the nod provide us with the latest indication of how Rishi Sunak’s “clean growth” plans he set out at Cop27 are little more than just a shimmering mirage briefly glimpsed in Egypt: There is no sense of environmental responsibility in Whitehall.

Read more: MSN

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