Home Energy Storage

Another hot summer increases the urgency for energy storage

Last year was the hottest on record, according to the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Not surprisingly, the summer of 2023 was also the hottest, according to global records dating back to 1880. Forecasts suggest this summer is likely to be just as hot or hotter, which means the urgency for energy storage and demand

How Big a Home Battery Do I Need?

How Big a Battery? A question we often hear at Tanjent is ‘How Big a Home Battery Do I Need?' Or else 'What home battery storage size is right for my family?' Which IS a great question, just one that is not as straightforward as it would seem, to answer. Most of us have

How Do I Set Time-of-Use Tariff Charging on a Solis Inverter?

Solis Inverter Overnight Charging Lots of our customers who have a hybrid solar inverter or a home battery system also have access to a cheap time-of-use electricity tariff (for example Economy 7 or Octopus Go) that has a cheap rate overnight. It is then possible for them to charge up their battery on this

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