Our Uncertain Future

Climate Change (Image: Tumisu/Pixabay)

(Image: Tumisu/Pixabay)

Welcome to my personal blog covering my adventures in and opinions on homesteading/smallholding, self-sufficiency, climate change and related issues.

Trevor Larkum, January 2020

Climate and energy leadership nowhere to be seen as heatwave returns

It is hotter than ever. The country is tinder-dry. There were more wildfires in the single month of July than during all of last year. During the recent heatwave, temperatures exceeded 40C and scores of houses burnt down on the edge of London. Another damaging heatwave is on its way. Water restrictions are now in force. These catastrophic climate conditions have been knowingly fuelled

Climate endgame: risk of human extinction ‘dangerously underexplored’

Scientists say there are ample reasons to suspect global heating could lead to catastrophe The risk of global societal collapse or human extinction has been “dangerously underexplored”, climate scientists have warned in an analysis. They call such a catastrophe the “climate endgame”. Though it had a small chance of occurring, given the uncertainties in future

Balancing energy security with food security on solar farms

The economic impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are being felt around the world. This is especially true in the energy and food markets whose supply chains depend on both countries. The crisis has reinvigorated a long-running debate about land use for solar farms, increasingly polarised around energy versus food security. Gas provides 40%

Energy Balance

“Four Meals From Anarchy” – We Must Grow More Food Locally. A friend sent me a link to this video interview of Michael Raw, an agricultural consultant, about the fragility of Britain’s food supply, which frankly shocked me. The “four meals from anarchy” is a quote to MI5, meaning that Britain could descend very rapidly indeed to large-scale

How To Start A Permaculture Garden

Anyone concerned with sustainable living will at some point sooner or later come across the concept of permaculture. Permaculture is notoriously difficult to define, but the term is a portmanteau of the words ‘permanent,’ and ‘agriculture,’ although it was later expanded to include ‘culture,’ as it encompasses much more than just agriculture. Permaculture was

How Food Prices Are Affected by Fossil Fuels

We don't just drive or heat with fossil fuels—we are eating them. Oil and gas prices are at record levels, and this is going to have a big impact on our diet in very short order because we don't just drive or heat with fossil fuels—we are eating them. Traditional US Homestead -

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