Our Uncertain Future

Climate Change (Image: Tumisu/Pixabay)

(Image: Tumisu/Pixabay)

Welcome to my personal blog covering my adventures in and opinions on homesteading/smallholding, self-sufficiency, climate change and related issues.

Trevor Larkum, January 2020

Crisis Gardening: Growing enough food to feed your family

With the current pandemic, the damage to food production and supply chains has already been set in stone. It’s just a matter of time before the full effects of these unfortunate events trickle down to cause a shortage of food in your local area. As a crisis gardener, you want to hedge against this

A Prayer for Nonbelievers

I was ten years old when The Limits to Growth first saw print. I have a dim memory of seeing a newspaper article or two about it, but I had other things on my mind in 1972—my parents got divorced that year, and an already difficult childhood promptly got much worse—and several years passed

The Future is a Landscape

I’ve been reflecting of late about the way that our habitual expectations about change blind us to the way that change actually happens. One of the most important of these is the frankly weird but pervasive notion that the future is a single place, where only one kind of thing happens. It’s always “The Future,”

Want to beat rising energy prices… could you live off-grid?

It sounds radical but 150,000 people Britons have already cut the cord and become self-sufficient As energy bills soar and Britain braces itself for a winter of discontent, there is one family who aren’t worried. Matthew and Charis Watkinson, and their children Elsa and Billy, have managed to evade the national energy crisis by becoming

Why it’s time for Britain to control its own food supply

Our food supply is in crisis. First there was the panic buying at the start of the pandemic, stripping the shelves of everything from pasta to pinot noir. Now the shops are looking bare again as Brexit and Covid combine to drastically reduce the workforce, and industry chiefs are warning that shortages could last well

Are You A Climate Warrior or A Climate Weaver? Because We Need Both.

How an unexpected Twitter tiff with the renowned climate scientist Michael Mann helped me rethink climate activism. When I tweeted my reply, I had no idea that I would be on the receiving end of friendly fire. I was scrolling through my feed, looking for thought-provoking news and commentary (because that’s the only reason

58 Practical Homesteading Skills and Ideas You Can Learn Today

Whether you’re already on a homestead or dreaming of being a homesteader, homesteading skills are invaluable – and lots of fun! They give you a real sense of accomplishment, you save money, and you’re becoming more self-reliant in the process. Jump right in with the homesteading skills on this list. I’ve mainly included practical homesteading

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