
How Long Does It Take For Solar Panels To Pay For Themselves?

Anyone considering investing in solar panels will of course expect that it will be a while before they have paid for themselves by producing valuable electricity. How long it will take to reach breakeven depends on many factors: The initial price of the system, including full installation; the longevity of the hardware components of

Are Solar Panels Worth It?

Solar panels require some upfront expenditure. But they also carry a huge range of benefits for you and the planet, including decades of energy savings! Are Solar Panels Worth It? Renewable energy is the future! Now, more than ever, the UK has a great relationship with renewable energy. We’re the world’s biggest generator of

Tanjent now include Aerial Surveys for Solar Panels

We have been having a lot of fun recently since we have added a new tool to our repertoire - a pro drone with high definition video and still camera. We use this both before and after a solar installation and it gives enormous benefits: A close up view of innaccessible roof areas. A

How Does My Solar Generation Compare to What Was Predicted?

[We have the pleasure to publish here an article from one of our customers, Peter Cittern, describing how his solar generation matched up to our predictions. He previously provided the article on Adding Another Battery to a PowerBanx Home Storage System] As part of the pre-work to help decide on the number of batteries I

Big Energy Saving Week 2021

January 18th to January 24th brings us a National Awareness Week that is the Big Energy Saving Week - this is the week that we are encouraged to revisit our energy suppliers. Remember that switching your energy provider can potentially save you a lot of money and it is well worth going to some

Beat the Brexit Price Rise

If you order before 18th Dec 2020  we shall hold our prices We have been watching the Felixstowe import problems with some disquiet. Read more.... Like many businesses we are in talks with our supply chain to understand the impact of the transition and the bottom line is that it is likely to cause

The Feed In Tariff is Dead, Long Live the Smart Export Guarantee!

It was sad news when the government killed the Feed-In Tariff, the guaranteed payments that solar home owners received for generating and exporting solar energy. There were a lot of complaints when the scheme ended on 1 April 2019, especially when there was nothing to replace it but promises of a new scheme. Fast forward

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