Battery Storage

How residential energy storage could help support the power grid

Household batteries could contribute to making the grid more cost effective, reliable, resilient, and safe—if retail battery providers, utilities, and regulators can resolve delicate commercial, operational, and policy issues. The growth of battery storage in the power sector has attracted a great deal of attention in the industry and media. Much of that attention focuses

In Germany, Consumers Embrace a Shift to Home Batteries

A growing number of homeowners in Germany are installing batteries to store solar power. As prices for energy storage systems drop, they are adopting a green vision: a solar panel on every roof, an EV in every garage, and a battery in every basement. Stefan Paris is a 55-year-old radiologist living in Berlin’s outer suburbs.

Storing energy with lithium-ion batteries moves us closer to 2030 targets

Renewable energy’s contribution to the generation mix continues to grow. However, it still faces one major challenge. Producing green electricity is one thing, but storing it is quite another. The problem? It’s the weather, stupid. Scotland may be the windiest place in Europe, but that wind isn’t consistent. When it blows, the turbines turn, but

Ofgem update clarifies deemed export tariff and storage confusion

An updated technical guide to co-locating renewables and battery storage has clarified previously conflicting guidance on the matter, removing barriers and potentially unlocking the “tremendous potential” of solar homes.Late last week energy regulator Ofgem published an update to its technical guidance on co-locating renewables and storage, aiming to clarify a number of problem areas that

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