[This is a guest post from one our customers, Charles Brookson]

Victron has very recently kindly included 30-minute tariff settings in the Dynamic ESS settings for their battery inverter/charger systems. This means that Intelligent Octopus Go can now be supported using the time from 2330 until 0530.

The system will predict your usage and the solar generation and adjust your parameters accordingly. It works with fixed tariffs in the UK, but automatic tariffs are not possible except in Europe.

Information is here: Dynamic ESS – manual

So far, it’s looking good. Predictions showing below.

Victron solar generation prediction (Image: C. Brookson)

Victron solar generation prediction (Image: C. Brookson)

The settings seem to include many parameters. Since I am still on fixed tariff whether I feed in energy or not, I opted not to feed any energy back to the grid. I have included battery costs and cycles as well, but they don’t seem too important (see the Victron information above on Dynamic ESS).

It is getting better results than my rather crude Home Assistant calculations.

I’ve yet to see what the impact is of charging the car in detail, no doubt if they charge outside the usual range then there will be some problems.

Dynamic ESS predictions (Image: C. Brookson)

Dynamic ESS predictions (Image: C. Brookson)

Finally, my present settings are these, subject to change of course!

Dynamic ESS settings (Image: C. Brookson)

Dynamic ESS settings (Image: C. Brookson)