It was never more important to keep renewable energy in the focus of our parliament. We have heard plans for net zero carbon for the UK which is a fantastic endeavour. However, it will only happen with government backing and my current focus is on helping domestic installs with appropriate incentives.

Installed Solar
There are several direct and indirect ways in which domestic solar and Battery installations help the move to net zero carbon.
- It generates clean, green electricity.
- It reduces demand from the local grid.
- Once people have solar installed they tend to monitor and understand their energy use which drives down waste.
- The more the technology is developed and deployed in the UK, the more we become a leader able to export know how to the rest of the world.
You may recall I set up a petition and wrote to my MP about the planned increase in VAT. The original blog is here.
I have now received the response and copied it here for you to read. Essentially this means that although we can continue to offer small Solar installations at 5% VAT, all the green technologies that are not Solar (such as batteries) will be charged full VAT after 1st October.
There is so much more that can be done, so please do write to your MPs, and keep renewable energy on the agenda. If you haven’t already joined the petition, please do so here.