Experts are predicting that the long summer days will boost solar energy production as the industry marks the Summer Solstice and European Solar Day on 21 June.

Recent articles in the Telegraph and the Sun suggested that solar panels do not work efficiently in hot weather, something industry experts say is not true.

Solar power contributed 4.4% of the UK’s electricity needs in 2022, but regularly accounts for more than 25% of demand when it is producing peak output in the summer.

There are over 14 hours of daylight between May and August, with the UK generating 8.67GWh of solar energy on June 21 in 2022.


Areas of the UK which produced the most solar last year were Southeast England (1.68 GW PV generation), the East of England (1.56 GW PV generation), the East Midlands (1.30 GW PV generation) and the Southwest (1.23 GW PV generation), according to data from PV Live.

Solar Energy UK chief executive Chris Hewett said: “With longer and sunnier days, solar power produces high yields of energy, some of which will be stored in batteries for later use. Summer in the UK can often bring unpredictable weather which is why solar generation works well in tandem with other renewable energy sources, such as wind. During sunny weather, it’s typically not windy, so when there’s not enough wind to turn the turbines solar, solar can help make up that difference – and vice-versa.”

Read more: SolarPowerPortal

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