Battery Storage

Tesla Powerwalls tapped to help world’s fastest sailing race ditch diesel

Tesla has teamed up with global catamaran racing championship, SailGP, to help the fledgling sport’s usually diesel-fuelled mobile recharging stations switch to solar and battery storage. SailGP said it had worked with Tesla over a period of eight months to engineer the fully portable, off-grid clean energy solution, to use to recharge the batteries

How Energy Storage is Navigating the Pandemic

Despite widespread disruptions, postponement rather than cancellation will be the outcome for the majority of interrupted projects. Pandemic restrictions have considerably slowed down the pace of non-residential energy storage projects during the second quarter due to challenges related to customer acquisition, installation and interconnection. The market disruption is likely to continue into 2021 and

Use of battery power storage seen accelerating to 2030 and beyond

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The use of batteries for energy storage is expected to grow faster than that of other flexible assets in the period to 2030 and beyond, as renewable energy generation expands, consultancy Wood Mackenzie said in research published on Wednesday. Battery storage will increase to 26 gigawatts (GW) by 2030 from 3

Five Takeaways: Early Moves and Current Trends in Energy Storage

McDermott continues its dialogue with renewable industry leaders to provide the latest market updates on the disruption, challenges and opportunities COVID-19 presents to the industry. This week, we focused on the energy storage market and hosted Chris McKissack, CEO at GlidePath Power Solutions. Glidepath was an early mover in energy storage. GlidePath is now

Three signs that battery energy storage is mainstream today

With the inclusion of battery energy storage into new building codes and safety standards, it’s obvious just how mainstream storage is today. Electrochemical batteries have been around for more than 100 years and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels have been in use for half a century. During the early days of solar, users deployed PV

Ofgem approves changes ending double charging of storage

Double charging of battery storage is to end, as Ofgem approves changes to the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC). The UK regulator announced last year it was consulting on the removal of Balancing Service Use of System (BSUoS) charges for energy taken from the grid by storage assets. BSUoS charges allow National

EV Friendly Electricity Tariffs

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) is much cheaper than filling a petrol car. For example, the cost of charging a Renault ZOE 52kWh is around £8 so if you get a range of 200 miles out of it then the cost per mile is about 4p. A Renault Clio, however, uses fuel at around

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