Monthly Archives: November 2019

Case study: Using batteries to reduce the impact of grid maintenance

We consume more and more electricity every day. The utilities and grid distribution operators must ensure industry and households are provided with the necessary connections. In order to do that, the grid must be expanded, and must be maintained periodically. This means that more often the power on the grid will be cut off while

‘They should be allowed to cry’: Ecological disaster taking toll on scientists’ mental health

‘We’re documenting destruction of world’s most beautiful ecosystems, it’s impossible to be detached’ The ecological disaster is taking its toll on scientists’ mental health, with top researchers saying those working in the field must be supported and “allowed to cry”. Leading researchers have published a letter saying many scientists experience “strong grief responses” to the

GB witnesses soaring battery storage exports to distribution networks

October 14 (Renewables Now) - Battery storage exports to Great Britain’s distribution networks have jumped to almost 49 GWh in 2018 from 50 MWh in 2014, in line with the growing supply of variable power generation, a new report shows. The report by the Renewable Energy Association (REA) and energy market data hub operator ElectraLink

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