October 14 (Renewables Now) – Battery storage exports to Great Britain’s distribution networks have jumped to almost 49 GWh in 2018 from 50 MWh in 2014, in line with the growing supply of variable power generation, a new report shows.

The report by the Renewable Energy Association (REA) and energy market data hub operator ElectraLink uses data by the latter’s Energy Market Data Hub (EMDH). More data from this report will be presented at a conference on October 24.

According to the report, exports coming from weather-independent sources were more than 60% in 2012, while in 2018 this share was less than 40%, giving a clear sign that there is a growing need for networks to ensure flexibility and evolve into Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

Apart from battery storage, the released statistics also indicate a rise in solar photovoltaic (PV) exports from 194 GWh in 2012 to over 8 TWh in 2018. This total includes conventional solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and “mixed solar” where the use of battery storage or other forms of generation is suspected based on the timing of exports to the grid.

Read more: Renewables Now