It’s easy to get in a rhythm when providing Solar and Battery services to end customers.
We start with a system definition. We discuss details and technical pros and cons, and look at the various price impacts of different decisions.
Once we are all happy, we move to contract, arrange a date and order the equipment. It starts to get exciting as the day of installation approaches.
Throughout the process, we are talking with our supply chain and making sure the right stuff is available, but even then IT HAPPENS! A link in the chain breaks and all our plans are thrown into disarray.

This week we had a small blip from SolaX. A two week delay on a major shipment to the UK meant that all our supply chains suddenly dried up. Each link in the chain relying on promises and schedules which, try as we might, occasionally go wrong.
So Where was the Exceptional Demand?
Of course, all supply chains have a bit of excess in them to allow for glitches. However, for those following our blogs, you will remember us talking about the fantastic new PowerBanx SX system featuring the SolaX X1 FIT and Triple Power Batteries. These have hit a sweet point of price, features and performance with customers across the country saying YES. As a result, demand has been growing fast and so the reserves have reduced.
What Does this Mean For Me?
Well, to the customers that we had all scheduled and had to put them back a couple of weeks, we say thanks for your patience, and normal service will resume soon.
For those still planning to install solar systems before the Feed-In-Tariff stops at the end of March next year, it is a reminder not to leave it to the last minute. Remember, it is not enough to have ordered it before the deadline; it has to be installed and commissioned before the deadline, and the final paperwork completed. It would be a shame to miss it because the equipment is not available.
Can’t we Just Order Different Components?
Well, sometimes. We do in fact have a list of similar components that are relatively interchangeable, and we shall always look to offer alternatives that are as good or better if particular supplies dry up.
There are sometimes technical factors as well. For example two seemingly similar inverters may have very different emergency power capabilities which makes one suitable and one not.