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Tanjent Energy Blog

Tanjent Energy Blog

Tanjent Energy Blog

A great place to start when finding out more about our solar energy and battery storage solutions.

A great place to start when finding out more about our solar energy and battery storage solutions.

A great place to start when finding out more about our solar energy and battery storage solutions.

Welcome to the Tanjent Energy Blog – containing curated energy news and our own technical and case study articles.

Are we nearly there yet?

ASSET MARKETS AND THE LOOMING ‘SNAP-POINT’ Throughout the period since the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09, capital markets have marched upwards, even as the economy itself has, at best, stagnated. After a sharp correction at the start of the

A Prayer for Nonbelievers

I was ten years old when The Limits to Growth first saw print. I have a dim memory of seeing a newspaper article or two about it, but I had other things on my mind in 1972—my parents got

World’s longest subsea interconnector begins operation

The world’s longest subsea electricity interconnector, the North Sea Link, has started operation. Connecting Blyth in Northumberland and the Norwegian village of Kvilldal, near Stavanger, the £1.37 billion (€1.6 billion) interconnector has been developed as a joint venture by National

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