There are many unexpected events in our lives. Some of the more serious ones could necessitate leaving our home very quickly.
But how do you prepare?
I know that sounds scary, but you want to be prepared so you can take care of yourself and those you love.

Severe Flooding, Against a Background of Wind Turbines: November 2012, Tyringham, Bucks. (Image: T. Larkum)
In this article I will teach you how to build the perfect “Bug out Bag”.
Let’s look a little closer together.
What is a Bug out Bag?
A Bug out Bag is basically an on-hand, ready-to-go survival kit for an emergency evacuation. Generally, Bug out Bag designs focus on getting you through about three days without the normal comforts of home. Other names for it include a “Go Bag,” “Get out of Dodge Bag” and an Evacuation bag.
Basically, a Bug Out Bag is a bundle of supplies you can use in case of an earthquake, hurricanes, flooding, fast-spreading viral infections, riots, power outages, severe personal abuse, factory failures causing toxic leaks and terrorism.
It’s not unrealistic to ponder having to leave your home, office, school or any other location because of an imminent threat. The problem is that most of us panic, not knowing what to do next.
The Bug Out Bag gives you a sense of security because you won’t be left to scavenge in the midst of the craziness.
You can’t predict when and where disaster may strike, but the Bug Out Bag gives you some control over how you handle things. Every second counts, and you’re not going to want to be packing then.
Read more: Defensive Planet
Also consider How to Prepare for an Emergency and What to do During an Evacuation