Battery Storage

Address emerging clean tech or risk impeding energy transition, regulators warned

Energy regulators must address the rise of bundled distributed generation technologies, EV charging infrastructure and cyber security or risk impeding the clean energy transition, a new report from the Council of European Energy Regulators has said.The report, published last week, identifies five particular trends that stand to shape the emerging future energy market. The CEER

Residential energy storage market reaches record US highs in first quarter of 2018

According to the latest U.S. Energy Storage Monitor report, home energy storage system deployments reached record highs in the first quarter of 2018.The report, issued by GTM Research and the Energy Storage Association (ESA) earlier this week, concluded that 35.8 megawatt-hours (MWh) of grid-connected residential energy storage systems were deployed in the first three months

Fuel Included at Fully Charged Live

As promised, we showed our faces at Fully Charged Live at Silverstone on Saturday. This was the first exhibition and conference launched by Robert Llewellyn off the back of his Fully Charged YouTube show, but I’m sure not the last.

1 Million Volts DC

Those of you of a certain age will remember the pre-historic epic “1 Million Years BC” starring Raquel Welch and containing some of the worst special effects of all time. I couldn’t resist echoing that title. More correctly I should call it 1.1 Million Volts DC, because this is the power transmission voltage for the

Companies are using California homes as batteries to power the grid

Every new home in California is going solar by 2020. If solar-energy companies have their way, those homes also will come with batteries.Companies like Tesla and SunRun are starting to bid on utility contracts that would allow them to string together dozens or hundreds of systems that act as an enormous reserve to balance the

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