Battery Storage

Trump government launches plan to become energy storage world leader by 2030

Energy Storage Grand Challenge aims to achieve global leadership with next-generation technology that does not require the importing of 'critical' raw materials President Donald Trump might believe that wind turbines cause cancer and that people can’t watch TV when the wind isn’t blowing, but that is not preventing his government from announcing plans to

Ten ways you can turn your house into an eco-home in 2020

Looking for ways to lower your carbon footprint this new year? Or maybe you’re just hoping to get your energy usage down after that eye-watering Christmas bill? Whatever the reason, make Greta Thunberg proud by following these ten steps to turn your existing house into a super-efficient eco-home. The dream of being able to

4 Trends in Solar Energy for 2020

There is now enough installed solar energy capacity in the U.S. to power 13.5 million homes, and this amount is expected to double in the next five years. The solar energy industry is part of a very dynamic market. Many factors — including government policies, fossil fuel costs, solar energy technology advances, commodity prices,

The future of storage

In much of the discussion of renewables as part of the energy mix, the argument often focuses on the unreliable or intermittent nature of these different sources of energy. While at one stage it was true that renewables would not work as firm capacity, the landscape continues to change. With an increasing preponderance of

What a Year! 10 Stories That Propelled Energy Storage in 2019

More batteries installed. More markets opening up. And grid storage making itself indispensable in unanticipated ways. For too long, the rhetoric around what storage can do for the grid vastly outweighed the actual doing. This year, the industry closed that gap more than ever before. Exceedingly few batteries actually live up to the vision

Fully Charged Explains How Home ESS/Solar Prevents Power Outages

Electric car, home solar installation and an energy storage system that all complement each other. Fully Charged's Robert Llewellyn, a well known electric cars enthusiast, from the beginning was also very interested in the electrification of homes, which means own electricity generation using solar and storing the energy using batteries. In one of the

Batteries Will Change the Energy Industry Forever

Energy storage is no longer an asset class that utilities can ignore. One of the biggest criticisms of renewable energy has been its inherently intermittent nature. Solar energy plants don't produce power at night, and wind turbines don't produce power without wind, so utilities need fossil-fuel or power plants to keep the grid running.

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