Renewable Energy

New gas power stations in Britain and support for zonal pricing

This article was edited on 13 March to correct an error. The introduction of zonal pricing in Britain has not been confirmed but has been maintained as an option in the second Review of Electricity Market Arrangements consultation. Energy secretary Claire Coutinho has announced that a zonal pricing system could be introduced in Britain and

IEA: Wind, solar and EVs help curb CO2 emissions but heat pump growth stutters

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has detailed in two new reports that a rise in the deployment of solar, wind and electric vehicles (EV) has helped soften the increase of carbon (CO2) emissions across 2023. In its newly published Clean Energy Market Monitor and CO2 Emissions Report studies, the reports showcase how the rise in both renewable and electrification

How leasehold reform can unlock the potential of rooftop solar

Proposals for solar farms on green fields are now common. Such proposals split local environmentalists between those who want to preserve nature and farming, and those who think the country needs solar energy at all costs. Rooftop solar can help us reach net zero while protecting our countryside, but we need to look at

Powering Net Zero with Battery Energy Storage Systems

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are one of the pivotal components in powering Net Zero, one application of BESS is allowing the power generated from renewables such as wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) to be stored until it’s needed. This helps to minimise the amount of renewable energy generated in favourable conditions going to

Shedding light on the finances of solar panels

After energy bills surged, more homeowners are weighing solar panel power. But does it pay off? In 2010, Dr Adrian Penney, a GP in Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire, decided to find a new, creative and green use for his children’s premium bond money. Having been “dead keen on insulation for years”, the 68-year-old installed 2.4

NHS Scotland welcomes first solar EV charging hub

Raigmore Hospital in Inverness has installed NHS Scotland’s first electric vehicle solar EV charging hub. The solar car park (SCP) said to be the “first of its kind to be operational in Scotland,” is dubbed Papilio3 and was installed by the EV chargepoint operator 3ti. It is made out of a recycled shipping container

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