
Octopus’s V2G project Powerloop to enter Balancing Mechanism

Octopus Electric Vehicles is preparing a path for its vehicle-to-grid (V2G) project Powerloop to become the first to enter National Grid ESO’s Balancing Mechanism. Developed by a consortium run by Octopus Electric Vehicles and Octopus Energy in partnership with UK Power Networks (UKPN), Energy Saving Trust, Open Energi, CPS, and Guidehouse, Powerloop has allowed

Oxfordshire County Council gets green light for on-street EV charging trial

A pilot project trialing 30 on-street electric vehicle (EV) chargers that connect directly to a household’s electricity supply is to be run across Oxford and Cherwell. Having been awarded funding by Innovate UK and the Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles, Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford Direct Services are now expecting installations to start in between

How Long Does It Take For Solar Panels To Pay For Themselves?

Anyone considering investing in solar panels will of course expect that it will be a while before they have paid for themselves by producing valuable electricity. How long it will take to reach breakeven depends on many factors: The initial price of the system, including full installation; the longevity of the hardware components of

How to add a Hub to a Zappi EV Charge Point

[Update February 2024: Note this is an old blog post - most recent Zappis come with a built-in Hub so it is no longer necessary to go through the process covered below]We install quite a lot of myEnergi's Zappi electric vehicle charge points as they are well suited to charging an EV from solar panels,

Can electric vehicle batteries be recycled? | Fully Charged

Before the lockdown, Helen Czerski went to Wendeburg in Germany to see if it really is possible to recycle the materials in vehicle batteries. In this fascinating episode we see how this new and rapidly growing industry is developing and coming up with some interesting results.

EV Friendly Electricity Tariffs

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) is much cheaper than filling a petrol car. For example, the cost of charging a Renault ZOE 52kWh is around £8 so if you get a range of 200 miles out of it then the cost per mile is about 4p. A Renault Clio, however, uses fuel at around

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