Last year was the hottest on record, according to the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Not surprisingly, the summer of 2023 was also the hottest, according to global records dating back to 1880. Forecasts suggest this summer is likely to be just as hot or hotter, which means the urgency for energy storage and demand for electricity will again be intense, and utilities will be looking for solutions to ensure grid reliability and manage costs.

During peak summer hours, the greatest number of homes and businesses have the highest demand for electricity, which also drives up the price of electricity on wholesale markets. At other times of the day or night, however, there is still plenty of capacity to spare. This is one of the reasons urgency for energy storage (typically in the form of battery storage) is so valuable in the context of rising temperatures and extreme weather brought on by the climate crisis.

Urgency for Energy Storage

Coal mine

Since June of 2023, each consecutive month has set new temperature records. “March 2024 continues the sequence of climate records toppling for both air temperature and ocean surface temperatures, with the 10th consecutive record-breaking month,” C3S deputy director, Samantha Burgess, said. “The global average temperature is the highest on record, with the past 12 months being 1.58°C above pre-industrial levels.”

While global average temperatures climbed higher, some U.S. regions escaped the worst of it last year. For instance, the East Coast recorded only its 35th warmest summer in 2023.

Read more: UtilityDive

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