Battery Storage

The 4 Main Applications for Battery Storage

There are three primary benefits of energy storage: Access to lower priced electricity Retention of surplus self generated electricity  Emergency power supply However, this can look many different ways. At a recent presentation*, we had an interesting view of the main applications of battery storage that may help explain some of the questions. In this

Consortium finds viable business case for community energy storage

[repost] Small-scale, grid-connected energy storage solutions – or “community batteries” – can have a viable business case, supporting the ongoing growth of decentralised energy generation resources. This is one of the key findings of a feasibility study published by DNV GL, based on work by an industry-wide consortium that includes energy storage firm Alfen and

PowerBanx Smartphone Monitoring: Setting Up The SolarMAN App

One part of the SolarMAN suite of software that can be used to monitor the PowerBanx home battery system is the SolarMAN smartphone app. It allows the PowerBanx owner to monitor their solar generation, power usage and battery charging status while away from home (and even while moving around in

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