Solar and Battery

9 ways to get more out of your solar panels this winter

Boost your solar energy output with these top tips Solar panels are one way to cut down on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, but winter can be a challenging time. With cloudier days and shorter daylight hours, solar panels can struggle during these darker months, when our energy usage is higher than

‘Not just a box mover’: Segen distributing green skills

Due to the relative infancy of the green energy sector, there is a shortage of green skills training available and, while the net zero target promises to open a new job market, a green skills shortage threatens the energy transition. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) estimates that between 135,000 and 725,000 new jobs could be

GivEnergy: helping people unlock huge savings on their energy bills

Rising energy bills are never far from making headlines. But the suggested solutions are frustratingly short-term for billpayers. A government energy bill discount might (just) keep your home running cheaply for a winter. But where’s the long-term protection from constant price hikes and peak charges? Where’s the control to keep your home running cheaply for

The Global Surge in Solar Panel Adoption: How the UK Measures Up

As the world urgently needs to address climate change and transition towards sustainable energy sources, solar panels have emerged as a leading solution in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions. In the past, one of the main obstacles to their expansion was the high cost of solar panels in the UK. However, this

The Environmental and Economic Impact of Solar Panels in the UK

Solar energy has become one of the most popular and rapidly growing sources of renewable energy in the UK. As more households and businesses adopt solar power, it’s important to understand the broader implications of this shift. Beyond the obvious financial considerations, such as the traditionally elevated solar panel cost in the UK, solar energy has

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