
State of the climate: How the world warmed in 2018

The climate data for 2018 is now mostly in, though the ongoing shutdown of the US government has caused some datasets to be delayed.In this article, Carbon Brief explains why last year proved to be so remarkable across the oceans, atmosphere, cryosphere and surface temperature of the planet.

UK to join Europe’s subsidy-free solar ‘vanguard’ in 2019

Wood Mackenzie has predicted that the UK will join Europe’s “vanguard of subsidy-free utility-scale solar PV” in 2019 as project costs continue to fall.In a new report, authored by Wood Mackenzie analysts Tom Heggarty and Benjamin Attia, the consultancy firm has charted the top ten trends to watch in the year ahead and has predicted

Tesco plotting UK superstore solar rollout programme

Tesco is planning a major rollout of solar on the roofs of its stores in the UKAlongside its in-house market research team, SPP has identified at least five planning applications to install solar on the roofs of Tesco superstores in Nottingham, Lewisham, Sheerness, Martlesham and Yeovil, indicating that the rollout is countrywide and not consigned

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